Monday 15 August 2011


I coin this name referring to persons of out, this i acquired from an old geezer bar friend of mine and sure i guess it has a good reference, talk of the many extended and distended features of anatomy the female creature possesses just as enormous and the drama too. Anyway am just a young man wanting to have fun whenever with not much care and emotions because life is never that serious, no one gets out alive anyway!! I say this because buffaloes have really shown me this past weekend.

Being wakathangos with the money constraints i cannot afford strings attached with any other buffalo except the pm you can guess all the commitment(read money) that is their main driver or what do you take of the many buffaloes hanging out in social joints targeting anyone who'd seem to have the muscle to provide the extras, so if you are the wanjohi that do not mind flouting with money in bar you sure got to get laid. What a weekend it was as eventful as it can get,, being a blackout Friday plus the baby with the aunties, why not do the obvious 'obvious' being there's no other pass-time i know like getting sloshed. so i begin early enough as you know the mututho thing has been such a flop in the hood(metropolis).

Youth men like i really know how to pass time meaninglessly for you'll never lack quorum in the dens. Cup here cups there amid mind boggling giant stories including ,"why didn't the dinosaur enter the ark, did Adam and eve have other sons and daughters, were there sisters, where did the next procreation come from is it that it was a result of incest??"and many more controversial vibes. As adrenaline rush anytime another member enters the high court, i call it so because of the set up, there's a cage where beer is served, seat for the prosecutor (read sina taabu), jury and washtakiwa seat, the witnesses come for a flush down with the judge and leave immediately.ha ha that was a funny setup kind of hallucinious scenario. When a witness comes in through the single door adrenaline rushes for it could be the men in blue ready to make a quick buck.

It goes on for a while till dark with no incidence leave for the random chats, barmaid here there and the 'brown skin' wakathango enjoying the spotlight whenever possible. Soon its time to meet with my tycoon Saiga at Reminisce for some better looking ambience. This after conning the pm some few for security you know you never know with Saiga he can leave anytime and you stranded but this time its not his favourite eastlando. He tells me his pm 's heavy and wants him home you know how some of them are they'll either resent you the owner of 'work' or want you even closer , and the muclimbano is the sweetest then so never deny it, its without consequence for the greater damage is done.(reminiscing good 9 Mons)!

 I let him leave after dropping me in town and leave a few at a new joint Salt i guess that look like a hall leave for the few lighting this must be a conference hall when anti-mututho hours are on. Anyway this' where the fun's really at i meet some certain speckle of the club by speckle i don't mean the drop-deadest but the ugliest(i don't find another better word for the real picture), size enormous, Achieng kind,  looks not at all but something makes me talk to her i think its the self redeem of esteem, and you know as ever the ugly one's accompanied by another that wonders how the hell i spoke to her friend while she's the model kind yellow yellow  but answer so simple her its too 'obvious!

I want to know how this big girl or woman, am not sure is so confident to dance in front of people or the beer is taking toll. I also add her another of her poison to tell me more this time the 'model''s beckoning for her to snob because it can never be true that some one leave for wakathango is hitting on her. Self esteem boosters are thrown here and there most of them fake for its more of beer talking. By then its  in the wee hours and many a reveler have gone and the lights are on.

I meet this guy that tells me , "when i grow up i want to be like you!! ha ha, this obvious is a mockery for I've picked the ugliest leave for the many tu yellow yellows and hi skul ones available. He also quips am the guy that can get anyone. In the midst of the wee hour drinkers is 'Davu' a homeboy i haven't seen in a longtime. Emphatic pleasantries are exchanged and we all get together me his friends and my newly acquired ones the ka yellow yellow and the ugly friend who now believes am really serious. We being now the sayers of the city leave for a few elderly looking women in a nearby table (is this the 'empowerment' or its the usual 'wafatari' that don't get lucky because of competition??? i wonder aloud)

We are the only ones left in the bar. Soon the tables are empty and the bouncers want us to leave, We all haggle up our drunken bodies in search of another joint, this i guess is well known by the 'city guyz', you know me leave in another metropolis self contained one that needless take me to the big city aty for a few. fun is well available in the doorstep. Eureka is the place to be for wee hour/morning drinkers like i and 'hinos' that don't get enough and money is still itching them. Here other guyz are also banging on the door and one seems familiar with the proprietor and we are all ushered in . Beer here beer there and soon the drama start to unfold. The 'buffalo' starts to attach feelings and says that I've ditched or dissed her looks i cant quite know which, the yellow yellow starts to say i messed her friend, 'now what is this!!" before long the yellow yellow is holding my color aty to leave her friend.!

Within minutes if i hadn't acted fast i would have suffered major embarrassment (getting beaten) Defense mechanism plus temper rise fast and i swing my powerful right i guess on target but the men are quick in action and all i remember is a badly bruised jacket and condemns later "never hit a woman" from the same guys that would be collected under the table laughing at me if tables had been turned on me. The screaming continues and the buffaloes are escorted out, leave for the small worry from proprietor and i  "what if they get the men in blue?"ha ha!

 Soon another buffalo emerges i don't know if its to congratulate me for wading off the competition or was just waiting for the opportunity to join the table that seemed to have promising 'tycoons', i remember meeting a Kandindi guy??guess he reads news or something..... ah i don't know, i think i made his prospect yellow yellow leave and he left too before we bonded well(good chance to network lost).

I tell the newcomer buffalo  "karibu sana" and next i remember leaving we three and Davu to his hood Zimmer for a continuation of the drinking, i remember being told by the buffalo, "by the way nalipisha c utanilipa?? baas twende!" sounded more like a rhetoric question that i don't know if i bothered answer. Never paid and i don't see why i should ever pay for muclimbano, drinks yes!"

 I meet my other brother 'Mr bones' whom we hadn't seen for long too in the same hood, and the many beers he had kept for me wouldn't come at a better time. we hit the localz ( beer is better than this buffalo that seems bonkers too). Drama again after the buffalo swallows a few it starts crying "ooh i want to go to school, ooooh my husband ,oooh my child", now what is this!! we ignore it until it catch matatu and leaves or disappears mysteriously and the drinking continues. Nowadays for the pm is at work even on Saturdays i don't get pestering calls until she gets home in the afternoon to find am not in yet. some threatening thrashes here and there that am used to and i convince am only with Mr bones my neighbour in village that she knows is not a 'very' bad influence. I survive till late until the sleep is more than overwhelming and its time to get back to the metropolis. Rains cats and dogs but all i remember is in some other buffalo's sheets snoring it away till dawn. No more incidence not even muclimbano, no "its never that serious!!"

1 comment:

  1. How can you swim with so many sharks and not be eaten?
