Tuesday 24 January 2012


·         In this life trust the almighty alone who’s the giver of destiny and no man at all. Put thee first in whatever you do or contemplate , he (if at all can be called as so)has fought the battles for you only wants you to reach out onto him and ask and this not by being all religious seeking him in a church but at the comfort of your spirit because its all spiritual and private. Whenever I got no food to eat, clothes, shelter for my family I call unto him and he gets me halfway ( I say this for he will either give my people the contention in whatever is available in relation to the situation or direct me to the God sent person, but the step’s gonna come from within thyself even if it’s the leap of faith)He fulfills the desires of my heart in whatever way
·         Dream big and wake up towards your focus and everything shall fall in place in a few years time I want to be very far.
·         A ‘right man’ and family is very important and that’s why Almighty gave you one irregardless whether biological or adopted i.e those that have been there for you no matter what, treasure them even though they hurt you learn to forgive them for there’s no man without inequities. In other instances when ‘push comes to shove’ learn to move on , even if its them hindering your goals. There’s no small shenanigans worth your time if obstacle towards your focus.
·         Try not focus on lost times , regrets, money lost but on the future which is so bright that it blinds my eyes.
·         Life is not a science its an art all we need is the artistic tools to manouvre around.
·         Whatever you set your mind to do you accomplish it.
·         In life you could fail being very wise and its all about the company you keep, have good and wise role models but be intelligent always. People are a resource
·         ‘When your star comes shining no one!! Shall block its rays’
·         Almighty allow the people I love and haters to live long enough to see my success and enjoy it . it could be in a way of giving back to society what it has given unto me.
·         Big up to all intellectuals of the world, they have made me one too and the only challenge with these people is they’ll want to use it with shortcuts towards success which at times becomes criminal i.e hacking into systems, mpesa thuggery.
·         The visionaries not politicians in our great country Kenya shall propel it to greater heights to the benefit of generations.
·         Life is about adapting to what it throws at you at times its not predetermined but an unpreventable occurrence like death of a guardian,and life for those left behind has to go on for they are the affected lot and coping is the only way, ref the old cliche ‘God does not give that you can’t handle’ 
   ·    Life’s not all about `living in the havens considered by many as the affluents’ background but by making your almighty given niche a havenly comfortable for you and its up to you to transform it to your liking and comfortability

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