Thursday 16 June 2011

how it all began

It is during campus life when everything is normally upbeat be it CAT weeks, whereas you know you have been raving from week to week even mondays with no revision notes but many photocopies. Favourite bases were the keg joints that were quite affordable for a sophomore. it was always a good kickstart that is before the Mututho Mushuto laws (keg na straw) from !!am that is after a previous drinking spree 'yesternight' and as the hangdown wears you down and its time to 'unlock'. In the evening as usual its the upmarket joints where beer below 100 bob was unheard of. With the little you have managed to con peroz over the week for anonymous trips, shoppings and landlord's hiked rents, this obviously could not happen every month for it could raise suspicion).

so it was during those periods when at sometimes  friends would come together and share rent and the excess is Mututho's, so it's in one of those arrangements that we decided to hook up with Chris a bad influence i may say when it comes to people of out. chris was a really barbie of Nairobi and water would never lack for the son of village, he even taught me lyrics of 50cent his icon which i would not hear and occasionally gave me his studs and exhibition 50cent designers to clad for an outing.

It was one of those days when all my tricks to con money had bitten and i decide to just stay kejani, on a 'friday mind you'  (a great crime according to Chris) instead of borrowing beer in bars (an activity i despise to date). Chris as usual found me crib boekad as he was coming from keg den to brush off the filthy waters( ati to avoid smelling) and head uptown to 'kurokota' (teki, takeaways), "toto!!!, unado nini kejani??c unajua me ni boy wangu na huwezi nishow uko down, wachanga ufala!!"he said, "nilidhani umeenda mtaani" replied obviously lying because he would never go to his digz which was only one matatu away untill saturday afternoon when hungry enough and his chums under replenished.

"vaa speedy nakubuyia tatu Ibiza ( by then a popular joint to beba)" Never known to refuse free beer, faster i unhang one designer and left stud as he wore the right. Off to ibiza and for am a real guzzler he says "we toto lazima tupitie hapa 'thimbich' juu 'siko poa vile"-a common phrase i was used to of which i knew better. K.C, iceberg speciality follows and after when ready to hit uptown we head to Ibiza, one guy we call Vokez a real small voltage guy is already puking and Chris knows now there's little baggage. Inside Chris orders H2o for Vokez and bouncers look at table suspiciously for there's a drunk dude taking H2o, me as always 'People In Love Should Not Entertain Rumours' which come only one and i sip small small for i know i have to make an application through sms for another to Chris if am lucky enough that he has not shifted base to another table with people of out. True to my prediction Chris leaves us for People of out and buys them leaving us 'licking bottles'. I go over to where he'd relocated to, pointing my empty bottle for refill, very ashamed for the people of out will see me borrow beer and know am broke as hell, u know 'no finance no romance?' but it was always that when am broke someone  chokozas, when loaded i get none! i earn my second after a persistence and vow not to borrow again and back to where Voke is now fast asleep, Policy "let the sleeping dawg lie' i notice a person of out had been close by dancing gardenly(ushambaly) i approach and as though awaiting the move, moves in with the flow and later asks "tutapumzika wapi"  stay here for more o......

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