Thursday 21 July 2011

The ups and downs of the stay at home huzy

Did i mention 'ups' maybe the only ups is staying at home when its very cold and rainny without any repurcussions leave for the regular blackouts that have really hindered my typing. Last weekend i just typed a post copied and just as i logged in to post, electricity losted away with my paste.  I felt so demotivated to retype and i had to gather all to do this. That already is a down for the stay at home husband. Though it has not got to the deplorable conditions i've heard of, whereby the pm arrives late at night and when you question her whereabouts, "If you worked you would know such things as company parties!", is the likely answer but no!.

I have acquired various initiatives like making the bed-9to which she remakes), going to the market, changing diapers and all that previously i had all reason to evade but now its more of a duty than a favour according to the pm. In the name of making her work easier so that when she comes home she'll not find a backlog of undone work. Our pms really don't get it, we like an applause for the single thing we do not an award of a point in wait of assessment of others that according to them we should do, so when i wash the dishes am told "oooh you washed the dishes but you didn't...". On occasions where time just runs faster(i've realised this is it, day hours when you just home run faster than when seated somewhere swinging with chairs waiting for govt hours to be over), on such occasions i dont wash them, the retort is ,"umuthi gutiri undu watida ugika?/!(today there's nothing you've done eh?!)more of an exclamation than a question.

 I have really got sucked to the routine of wake up at 8 after the pm left like an hour and a half earlier, tip toe out of bed lest the sumbua baby who still shares the bed despite being almost two years, hears me and follows suit as usual. Relax having breakfast watching the midmorning show, in anticipation to see my face and daughter's on screen like what happened on a fathers' day week, i guess it was friday and the ktn midmorning show was recognizing fathers, and there our faces appeared,  with that i gain motivation atleast i appeared on tv for what i do. Meanwhile i cross fingers that the baby  does not wake up untill, 9:30 or 10 (never goes past that). Porridge session awaits as she wriggles here and there soiling me as well, diaper changing follows then its time that she's used to go out and becomes all too stubborn. at times i respect her demands atimes i don't, and log onto the computer to see any messages(probably from potential employers) /updates on my emails, facebook and twira at the same time tracking her movements in the house with the usual,"wacha!! wacha!!" exclaims every now and then.

At times i do the typing or chatting as i cut nyanyas and vitunguus in the kitchen whilst checking her but she sure does get ahead of me, moreso when am too carried away on the computer like the other day she ate up all the raw nyanyas for the obvious omlet, leaving me with no choice but back to the local vender to buy some more. You know that popular campus fast food cannot be without tomatoes.. after lunch is bathing the baby, force her to sleep literally an exercise that couldn't be offered my patience and on many an occasion uncle Nash is in the vicinity to do the usual, put her to bed. By that time am panting on the sofa catching breath for the baby washing is an exercise in itself, mara she has ran all over naked as i fetch the towel,( i didn't get those lessons, that all things should be ready before), i find myself doing everything in a rush, get the soap, water, vaseline, powder all in different corners of the house.

Sure mothers need a heavy salute for the hard work they go through to raise kids( talk of mother, no words of gratitude can match up her bringing me to this world on this day and persevering all the pushing in the morning, love you momma!), its just too overwhelming but they never give up( i.e most) That reminds me of common phrases i grew up hearing from the old lady like, "o uguo ujikaga noguo ugekwo!"(what you do unto me is what shall be done unto you!). "modo niagathenio ni make"("everyone shall be disturbed by his or her own troubles!"). Mothers should just not say some things to their kids no matter how much its a reality lest it turns into a curse in later years, for you know :the power of the tongue:. Maybe it wasn't to happen that i'll be in a position to be disturbed by my own but her constant reminder has also been edged in me leave for having been told this in the early adolescent stages of rebellion but its still so vivid. I guess in such circumstances we should just let nature take its course and let kids know for themselves instead of pre-empting or cursing.

Back to the routine, the baby will on several occasions wake at 4 or 4:30 to a cup of porridge, don't forget its spoon to mouth, and when the time allows or uncle Nash is around, i wash the dishes in awaitance of the pm to relieve me :off duty:. Basically that's wakathango's day. The other day i thought i was to be relieved the duties by a woman the pm employed to be doing the days' work and leaves when pm arrives. This was more motivated by forces that would also want me somewhere doing another job, they did not pay for a baby sitting course in campus and sure the peroz on both side, who had earlier offered to take our daughter to live with them so that we "hustle" properly, but the pm due to the first born attachment cannot hear any of it.

On monday the woman who was to take over arrived early while daug and i were still asleep, and tagged along was her own daughter who's an year my daug's senior but height and weight even less. I woke up and ushered them in and then proceeded back to bed, but on realizing i got to show her this and that i got up to find my daug's porridge which the pm makes before leaving and place on the table is already in the hands of the underweight kid. Am astounded by that behaviour, i guess if it would have gone on, the weight thing would have been vice versa.

First of all the pm had not mentioned to me that in their agreement done on the yesterday of that day, for which i gave myself shugli outside to give way for orientation, nowhere was mentioned that she would be coming with her kid.  I showed her around and later gave myself shugli and left. On coming back, i found the pm calculating her loses in the kitchen, for the woman and her kid really terrorized her kitchen on the first day, no sugar, rice,flour i think she pocketed all( talk of feeding two families). Owe unto those who employ people on a daily basis for i know they have become accustomed to things missing here and there but cannot raise alarm for the security of their kids, who have noone else to be left to as they go hustle, is in jeopardy. That was her first and last to employ a day person and you know the maids now are "empowered" and are asking for an unrealistic amount!!?so my off was over by Tuesday. Still going strong.

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